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Come Out From Among Them

This word I released 04-21-13. I believe it is a now word for some of you who may be struggling with the new thing God has been stirring in your heart. It's God. Trust and obey.

As God has said: “I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.”


“Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.”

“I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty.” - 2 Corinthians 6:16-18

I will give you a message to sound and it will not sound like the sound coming from today’s Church. It will be a sound that thunders and roars. It will be the sound of heaven coming down to earth, but you must not veer from the word I give to you for many will prosecute you and persecute you, but they will not be able to deny the power of God that will come forth from you, your words and your works, which I will do through you, My sons and daughters. They will persecute you and even seek to cause you to doubt that you have heard from Me, but they will not be able to deny My signs, wonders and miracles such as never been seen before in this life. My sons and daughters, you will be betrayed and left alone at times, but I will never leave you and never forsake you. It is time for you to remember our conversations as you were a little child and as I read the Bible to you in your room. I’m pulling away the covers to bring revelation, a deeper revelation, of who you are and how you should walk in what I have given you. It was placed in you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. The gift of God in the flesh. Do not be concerned with what people think of you, good or bad. That is vanity and pride, and it will cloud your vision. It will muffle My still small voice, which speaks from within your spirit. Be free, as you are already free. Be love, as I am love. Be true to yourself, and be true to Me. We have a work to do and it is almost time to begin this work My sons and daughters. Don’t be too concerned with how it will work out for those you love. I have prepared great blessing for them, better than they could ever imagine. When I reveal it to them they will not be able to say no. Finish what I have given you to do. No more delay. Begin the works and Ease and Effortless will be released to assist you and comfort you. They are angels! I will bring them to help, and they will love you and the vision I have given you. They will take it up as their calling, which is to run with the vision I have given you. They will take it up as their calling, which is to run with your vision, which I have made their vision in their hearts. It is a vision much too big and glorious for one, but it will take a corporate body to fulfill and to manifest. Many lives will be changed, and you will be changed into another person in the process, unrecognizable to all. Be strong as I am strong. Be holy as I am holy. Be faithful as I am faithful. Be blessed for the Father has blessed you with the blessing of the First Born, and the blessing of His Christ lies deep in you waiting to be released to many, even the masses. I know you do not understand nor do you comprehend all that I say to you, and many more things I desire to reveal to you, but you would not be able to bear them all at this time, but you will see, and then you will believe, and it will fulfill My joy for you. My joy for you, My sons and daughters, is full and My cup runs over for you…My child, says the Lord.

Praying for His best for you,


Pray about sowing a donation into this word because it is good ground and so is the ministry.

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Smashing Pillars International

14403 Walters Rd, #681601

Houston, Texas 77014

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