Shalom! The Father is in the House!

Shalom! The authority of God breaks the yoke that tries to bind you to chaos!
I received an email from a friend this morning asking me to help him with a dream he had last night. As I sought the Lord for the meaning, I perceived that my friend had not only received the dream to receive help for himself, but he was being used by God as an intercessor, a point of contact, for others who are going through something similar. I asked for his permission to share the dream and what I believe the Lord revealed to encourage and strengthen those who need it. If you have been dealing with fear of rejection, fear of the opinion of man or offense, be encouraged the Lord has visited you to break that yoke off of you once and for all. You only need to perceive and believe. You are loved!
Please feel free to share if you believe it will help and encourage others.
The Dream: I was in a kitchen in my dad's house - but it wasn't a house I recognized. The kitchen and the living room were like one big room. I think there was something in the middle of the kitchen like an island.I was trying to put the refrigerator door handle on the refrigerator. I tried to slip the top into its place but it didn't look like it was going to go in the bottom place like it was too long - and then the top came out - it just kind of slipped into the slot but was loose it -. I tried again, and just gave up on it.I was standing at the kitchen counter doing something when I heard something like a lock break – (maybe like when you take bolt cutters and cut a lock - there was a loud *bink*!) and I looked over to where there was a door by the living room area and went over to look in that door and I said “Who is it?" I was afraid. I did not see anyone. I cautiously went to the adjacent door which was the garage andsaw it was in order and clean - (not like a normal garage)

and I saw a barbell with some big weights on it (see attachment above)and I said "Who is it?" very scared because I figured someone had to be there, but I didnot see anyone. Then I woke up startled. End of dream
Just a little background of this week. I will be preaching tomorrow night at our outreach service. I have been thinking about what to say, and have put some things on paper, but I think I'm anxious about not being good enough or the words not coming out right - and maybe also what those who are in leadership will think. I would like to have had everything together and in line, but it just hasn't been that way for me when it comes to getting a sermon together. I think this is what has occupied my thoughts the most for several weeks now. Kitchen - preparation for teaching or preaching, heart of the matter, hunger for the Word, motives, revealing. Living room - Formal fellowship of church or family or friends. Garage - Protection, storage, ministry potential for outreach. Maybe this dream means that I have been trying to get a handle on my heart for too long? So now the Lord is breaking in and showing me that everything is in order for outreach (not my heart), and that I have a heavy-lifting potential for outreach? Maybe He is dealing with that part of my heart that I could not access, and it is startling me because I can't see what He is doing, or that He is even there? Maybe the giving up part is the letting go that He needs from me to break in? Thanks for any insights you may have when you have some time. - K.D.
Response & interpretation:
Yes brother! In one word the Lord is saying "Shalom!" The authority of God breaks the yoke that binds you to chaos. Can you hear the Bolt Cutter of heaven breaking and cutting the yoke? BINK! BINK! BINK!
In your dream, the house of your father is actually the House of God your Father. That means you can rest because the Father’s in the house…with you. You should be at the island in the kitchen preparing the meal He wants you to prepare for the people you will be ministering to tomorrow night. Everything you need, all the ingredients for the meal, has already been provided. He has stored and fully stocked the refrigerator which represents your heart. Everything you need for tomorrow night is already in your heart. In the dream, being too preoccupied with the handle on the refrigerator and it not fitting properly just means that you are too concerned with how people will view your heart’s motive by the message you feel you are to share. That’s what the broken door handle means, you are afraid the hearers will not be able to properly grasp the message you are trying to convey. Instead, you should focus on staying at the island in the kitchen. That’s where the Father is waiting to give you the recipe that has never been put together. He will give you all the right ingredients. It’s not the outside of the refrigerator that you may still see as broken that He is going to use tomorrow. It is what He has placed on the inside of the refrigerator, your heart, which is what He wants to use tomorrow night to feed His sheep. What you might see as still being broken, He sees as the perfect vehicle to use ‘broken-ness’.
On another note, I also believe the door handle is not supposed to fit properly, but to be loose instead as if to say loosen up a little. You’re too tense! Fear of rejection and offense makes a lot of noise between the ears and can be a huge distraction in life. So the handle not fitting properly anymore could be a good thing basically saying to you it will not be so easy for offenders to get inside and hurt you like as in the past. Praise God!
I believe the Lord literally broke the yoke of rejection and offense off of you in your dream! Declare, “Impartation received! Exaltation has come!” But you will still be tested by that old man and that old serpent who will continue the same old tricks and noises to pull you away from what you should be doing. They both lie. Their agreement is easily broken because it is an illegal agreement and holds no weight in the courts of heaven. Boom! Shaka-taka-boom!
Speaking of weights. The garage is your heart, and the Lord is saying there's nothing else that needs to be put in order brother, but you have to see that with your own eyes of understanding. Perceive it, believe it and receive it! Everything is already where it needs to be and any resistance that comes against you just might be God working to build up your spiritual strength and resistance. He's going to up! Boom! Shaka-taka-boom!
The barbell means several things:
You are carrying too heavy a burden in your heart that is unnecessary and is keeping you distracted from what He wants to help you prepare for tomorrow night. Look again, the garage is clean, in order and has all you need. Some things the Lord doesn't what you to get rid of, He has need of them.....donkey. He used a donkey to usher, literally carry, the anointing Himself into the city. Let Him piggy back you into the pulpit when you get there tomorrow night. In the meantime, get back to the kitchen and stay there! The guests have already been invited to the dinner.
There are six plates on the barbell, which is the number of man. They represent you, but without the bar, who is Jesus, you could never lift yourself to the level that only He can. Let Him do the lifting. Let Him carry you.
Barbell: is also a play on words; Bar - Bell. The Lord is saying time to raise the bar brother. Can you hear the bell ringing?
Back to the island in the center of the kitchen. I believe island can also be a play on words. An island in the sea is a place of relaxation. It is a place to go for vacation to find peace and tranquility….Shalom. The island in your dream is the place of Shalom the Lord has provided for you. It is located in the very heart of God’s house…that would be you. You are the very house of the living God and that should give you Shalom in your heart because the Fathers’ in the house!
So get the barbell, the heavy and false burden, out and take a permanent vacation from fear of rejection and offense. It has had its day in court and has been found to be illegally trespassing. Boom! Shaka-taka-boom!
Go get’em tomorrow night brother. The Lord Himself will be by your right side!
Receive this blessing:
You are blessed by God Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth.
And bless be God Most High,
Who has defeated your enemies for you!
Smashing Pillars….raising sons…
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