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Ministry Update: Quaker City, Ohio!

Shalom Pillars of God,

Ministry Update: I spent the last week (17th – 24th) in Quaker City, Ohio with Dick and Sue Robertson. I met Dick and Sue in Israel in 2013 during the Feast of Tabernacles. We were on the same tour and quickly became dear friends. We stayed in touch after the tour and reunited for the same tour in 2014 and 2015. They have been prison ministers for almost 20yrs now. Wow! God bless them for their faithfulness.

Dick & Sue Robertson - Columbus, Ohio Airport

Arrived Monday 17th: We stopped in Cambridge on our way in from airport for lunch. Ministered prophetically to Dawn at Theo’s Restaurant. Powerful word about being called to be an intercessor for the region to prepare the atmosphere for the coming move of God in Noble County, Ohio.

Cambridge Courthouse

Tuesday 18th: I was guest speaker at the Noble County Correctional Facility in Caldwell, Ohio. I was able to minister to the men there in two services. The presence of the Lord was so tangible during worship. I had some notes on what I thought I was to share, but as soon as I stepped onto the platform the prophetic anointing began flowing. I was able to minister to several individuals from the platform and the angels were in the house! The Lord was releasing very detailed and accurate words and several of the men came to share how the Lord spoke to them powerfully through the ministry. We then headed for a late lunch in the next town before the second service.

Noble County Correctional Facility

When we returned for the second service there were many more men coming into the chapel than were at the first service. Some of the men said they couldn’t wait to come back because they were so blessed in the first service. One even said that was all they had been talking about since they left for dinner. After the worship service the Lord began to have me minister prophetically again, as in the in the first service. Then the Lord had me share my personal testimony with the men. Now you have imagine where they were mentally and spiritually at that moment. They had experience powerful prophetic ministry in the first and second service. The Robertsons asked me to share my personal testimony and all the Lord has brought me out of, they were floored! You could see the look on their faces of disbelief as they tried to understand how could pre-Christ Samuel become the Samuel standing on the platform before us? Then the real fruit began to manifest on their faces – If God can transform Samuel’s life and use him so powerfully today, what can God do with my life? Boom! That’s what I was going for. Many of them came to share after the service how encouraged they were. One young man cried and hugged me so hard and couldn’t let go. After a while, he released me and thanked me for sharing my story. It answered so many questions he had for his own life. They now knew God in a more personal way and were ready to believe Him in a new way.

God is preparing the prisons in Ohio for the coming move of the Spirit! Lord, I give you all the glory! You alone are worthy of all honor, praise and glory for what You did at the Noble County Correctional Facility that day. Watch over every word that went forth to perform them.

Wednesday 19th: We visited Gifted Gaits Horse Ministry; co-founded by Janet Muffet and Sue Robertson. Gifted Gaits, Inc. is a center for Equine Assisted Therapy where horses help humans heal mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Volunteers will lead youth and adults through 5 stations with horses, which also includes riding, handling, recreation, crafts and close with a lunch and Bible Study. While there I met a MMA Fighter visiting from Hawaii named Joshua. The Spirit connected us almost immediately. He was in town visiting his family, but would be returning to his home in Hawaii. It was one of those divine appointments that could not have happened if our timing would have been off by an hour. We would have missed each other. He recently started a ministry in Hawaii, so the Lord blessed him by having me pray for impartation and increase in the gifts of the Spirit and anointing. Great guy.

Gifted Gaits, Inc.

We then returned to Dick’s and Sue’s home for lunch with their housekeeper, Laura, an Amish woman from the nearby Amish Community. She had a great sense of humor and shared much about herself, family and their way of life. She allowed me to minister to her prophetically and was very open receptive. Praise God.

We then were off to Kennonsburg United Methodist Church for Wednesday night Tabernacle Worship Service and a DVD lesson on praying for the sick by Charles and Frances Hunter! I couldn’t make this stuff up. Someone in the meeting wondered why it was necessary to pray the way Charles Hunter was instructing. I was able to answer some of the questions and elaborate a little on the Hunter’s healing ministry since I happened to be ordained by Charles and Frances Hunter. Wow! What are the chances of that happening? That someone visiting Ohio from Texas who actually sat under the Hunters personally would be sitting in the room with them? Amazing God. That’s all I have to say.

Thursday 20th: Dick and Sue have a weekly Tabernacle Worship Service in their home from 10am to 12pm with lunch afterwards. We started the meeting with the sounding of the shofar. The Lord had me sound and then prophesy over the state of Ohio and Noble County. Then another blast of the shofar and another prophetic declaration that God was bringing down the principalities and thrones over the region to open the heavens over Ohio and Noble County. Another blast of the shofar and prophetic decree releasing the angels to move throughout the territory and region to begin preparing and positioning the people and churches for a coming move of God. Wow! Then it to rain a torrential downpour and hail marble sized hailstones at the same time. We believed this was the Lord saying He was raining blessing on the region, but hailstones on the principalities and thrones that were being thrown down and destroyed. It only happened for a few short minutes then we continued with the meeting.

We then began worship, and afterwards the Lord had me minister much deep healing to the women present. There was such an awesome presence of God’s glory there in the house. Then I prayed for the activation of the giftings in everyone in the meeting and it was on! The Spirit of Prophecy began to flow mightily and the women prophesied over each other. It was 2:30pm and they were still prophesying! Finally, around 3:30pm or 4:00pm, they all had to go home to their families and we were off to a birthday party for one of Dick’s and Sue’s granddaughters. You guessed it, we ministered prophetically to the birthday girl, Mattie. Happy Birthday again Mattie! Blessings also to the women at the Thursday morning meeting – Barb, Sharon, Pat, Shelly and Scheryl!

Friday 21st: Dick, Sue and myself spent time before the Lord praying for Noble County, Ohio, the Church and the community. This was one of the main reasons the Lord had me go to Ohio, to redeem the land from all sin and iniquity until that day, and to bring it back into covenant with God. We took communion and included the land there on their property, but include Noble County and Ohio. The Lord has had me interceding and fasting for a few weeks before going Ohio concerning this special day. Dick and I then sounded our shofars in all directions from the place of the cross on their property. It was a very holy and sacred time. Keep your eye on Ohio, particularly Quaker City and Noble County for news of God moving in a new way there soon!

Redeeming the land!

Saturday 22nd: We spent some time at the farm and grilled some food, drove around to see some of the surrounding towns and lake. I met Ethan, one of the Robertson grandsons. In fact, I continually met Dick’s and Sue’s family daily and ministered to them all prophetically the whole time I was in Quaker City with them. I worshipped the Lord with Katie, one of the granddaughters who also interviewed me for one of her college assignments. The interview focused on career and how family, faith and upbringing played a role in determining my career and career moves. It turned out for me to be an occasion for testimony.

Sunday 23rd: We attended Sunday morning Bible Study and afterwards church service at Kennonsburg UMC in Salesville, Ohio. The Lord gave me a prophetic word for the church and I was able to release it to the congregation before the pastor shared his message that morning. It worked out perfectly because the word the Lord gave me confirmed the message Pastor Mark preached that morning. He even acknowledged that he was in agreement with the word. Amen.

I was able to meet many of the members afterwards and prayed for several of them even as I was walking out the door to the car waiting for me. I went to Dick’s and Sue’s and spent the rest of the day and evening with their entire family for lunch and dinner on the farm. We were so blessed by all the Lord had done that week, but also excited about what the Lord was only beginning to do.

Dick & Liberty
Sue & Aspen

Remember these two in your prayers. The Lord has begun a new thing in their ministry and in their county. The Lord will bless them for making room for me to go to Ohio to deposit what the Lord gave me to release and activate in the region. We were already witnessing the budding forth of it before I left to return home to Houston. They love God and God’s people. They have been crying for God to move in their region and the time has come. They are a blessed people! Thank you Dick and Sue!

Monday 24th: We couldn’t believe it was time for me to head back to Houston. Our hearts were full and still are overflowing with joy and blessing and gratitude for all the things the Lord did in Ohio. Many lives were touched and transformed in prison, their home, community and church. Many more blessings were experienced, too much to write about now. I wanted share this report with you because you support the ministry and interceded for us. You made a difference in Ohio, you were a big part and made it possible with your support. The Lord will bless you and repay you!

If you would like to support us by donating financially, please do. Please pray for us also. I covet your prayers!

Receive this blessing:

Blessed are you by God Most High,

Creator of heaven and earth.

And blessed by God Most High,

Who has defeated your enemies for you!



Smashing Pillars….raising sons…

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