Can you hear the Sound of Abundance of Rain?

Shalom Pillars,
This morning I sounded my shofar as instructed by the Lord. If you have not read my recent post on The Shofar, God’s Weapon of Choice. I highly encourage you to read it. Link for post provided here: The Shofar, God’s Weapon of Choice.
This year we must make a sound before we even think about making a move. The sound of God being released through His people will scatter the enemy, bring down the highest and thickest walls, and break any gates of bronze or iron. The question to ask God is, “What is the sound I should be releasing today?” Sound the shofar. Shout to the Lord. Release a decree. Perform a prophetic act. Whatever the Lord instructs you to do, do that.
During intercession this morning I felt impressed by the Lord to sound my ram’s horn shofar as long and as loud as possible. I did as I was instructed. The blasts were so loud that when I was done I noticed the sound of heavy rain outside that I could not hear because of the blasts of shofar. The Lord instructed me to sound several more blasts again. When I was done I could hear the sound of torrential rain falling outside. A little surprised by the sudden rain, I walked over to the nearest window to see how much rain was falling, but to my surprise, it was not raining! The sound of the rain was inside my house!
At that moment the Lord asked, Can hear the sound of abundance of rain? My hand is about to come upon you just as it was upon Elijah. I am moving and I am about to do a new thing through you and for you. Time to cross over, Joshua. You are about to enter into one of the most intense times of spiritual warfare, but remember that the battle is not your battle to fight because the battle belongs the Lord. Remember this - The battle has already been won! Can you hear the abundance of the sound of rain? It means you should go up and eat before the Lord because His is about to bring into perfection that which He promised to do. In other words, be prayed up. Elijah prayed fervently seven times that it would rain after three and six months of no rain. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave its rain, and the earth produced its fruit. The Word of the Lord now comes to you saying, Your prayers have been effectual in the thing you have been praying for and the spirit that has hindered and opposed you from moving forward is about to be cast down from its high place! Your drought is about to end! My hand is about to come upon you! Be prepared! Gird yourself up and be prepared for a flow and run like you have never experienced. You will far surpass and leave in the dust the enemy and any man-made vehicle you thought would be used by Me. I will do it by My Spirit and not by your might or power. I AM the LORD!
Scripture references: 1 Kings 18:41-46; 1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 9:30-37; James 5:17-18
Father, release your sound through me today and let Your rain fall upon me! In Yeshua's name, I pray. Amen
Receive this blessing:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Smashing Pillars International
Helping people stuck in life become unstuck…
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