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5780/2020: It’s Time to Speak into Existence What God has Been Revealing


Shalom Pillars,

I ministered at Pam Berry’s in Alvin, Texas Friday evening and in my home Saturday night. I am posting a recording of my Saturday night meeting with several PDFs attached of prophetic words the Lord has given me over the last few years that I mention throughout the recording because several people have asked me to record it.

We are entering a time when our words will have a major effect and influence in every area and circumstance of our lives. We need to know what God is saying but also what God has already said. We need to REMEMBER the words of the Lord spoken prophetically over us because there is a storm coming and what is coming out of your mouth will determine with you sink or sail.

The last ten years has been about seeing what God was doing and is planning to do in the near future. The next ten years will be about speaking what God has been revealing to us in the last ten years. Time for many words and promises of God to come to pass but it will only manifest by the words that are coming out of your mouth. We will need to know when to speak and when not to speak beginning this new Hebraic year 5780.

The Lord instructed me to address several things in the meeting which is why I’ve attached the files for anyone who may want to print them and follow along as you listen to the recording. Some of the things I talked about are:

  • The importance of recording prophetic words, revelations, dreams, and interpretations we have been receiving the last ten years because the next ten years you will be speaking many of them and establishing them.

  • I demonstrated through several prophetic words and dreams I received the last few years to show how there is a thread that connects them together revealing the enemy’s tactics but also God’s strategies for us to overcome the enemy.

  • How God is always speaking to His people in one way or another about how to prepare for things to come.

  • How the Church isn’t recognizing the shaking that is taking place in the Church now is how it is only going to get worse before it gets better.

  • How the little foxes spoil the vine, what the little foxes are symbolic of, and how we stay free of them. ‘Offense' is a little fox that will rob you of the new wine God wants to pour out in your life.

  • How God has chosen you to be a part of His master plan of manifesting His Kingdom on the earth.

Documents for print below, just click on link to open the PDF file:

I am praying for you daily and agreeing with God for His will for your life, family, health, and prosperity.

Receive this blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you rest.


Helping people stuck in life become unstuck…

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God bless and multiply your seed sown today!

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