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Feast of Tabernacles Israel Report & Impartation

Shalom Pillars,

Two weeks ago I returned from an assignment in Israel to be an intercessor for the ICEJ (International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem). Many of you sponsored the trip with your finances and prayers. This video is for you!

While at the Dead Sea on the eve of the Feast of Tabernacles I received a prophetic word from the Lord and an impartation to bring back to release here in America, you, and every person and group I minister to. In this video I share a little about the divine appointments and a slideshow to see what you made possible. At the end of the slideshow I release the prophetic word and impartation received in Israel for you. You don't want to miss receiving this gift from heaven. Please feel free share this word with others.

I have been given a new assignment from the Lord in Israel in December. I explain more about that in the video below. Thank you for your support and prayers. They are making a difference. Pray about supporting the next assignment in December. Ask Holy Spirit how much you should give and give that. Thank you so much and remember to include your prayers!

Receive this blessing:

The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you,

And be gracious to you;

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,

And give you shalom, rest.



Smashing Pillars International

Helping people stuck in life become unstuck…

Thank you in advance for supporting this ministry. Smashing Pillars is a registered 501(c) 3 non-profit organization. A statement of giving will be mailed to you for your records at the end of the year. I appreciate you. Your support is helping people stuck in life become unstuck… God bless and multiply your seed sown today!

If you prefer to mail in a donation, tithe or offering, make check or money order out to Smashing Pillars International and send it to:

Smashing Pillars International

PO Box 681601

Houston, Texas 77268



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