Nephilim, Nephilim Hosts, & Nephilim Hybrids
Shalom Pillars,
In this lesson on the Nephilim, we will learn the difference between a Nephilim and Nephilim Hosts & Hybrids. You will also learn about the current Nephilim breeding project that first began in Genesis 6 when the Watchers descended on Mount Hermon looking for viable candidates for their program. Their goal was to replace the human race with a hybrid race and in doing so cut off the Messianic bloodline to prevent Yeshua from coming forth. They failed then and will fail again.
Thank you for your support and prayers! You are much appreciated!
Receive this blessing:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Best, Samuel
Smashing Pillars International - Founder and President
Notes for this lesson are attached as a PDF file. Feel free to print and share.